Sunday 4 October 2009

Sound Assignment - I'm Amazed!

Before i watched it:

The soundtrack expresses lots of over lapping tracks with the motif of cattle and farm animal noises. It starts off with a stereotypical howling wind sound then the Buddhists preying is played with low volume ducking in and out to set the place, I’m guessing the setting takes place in some Asian region with Buddhists. There is a sound of a matchstick being lit and then the pouring liquid maybe the making of tea. Then the track introduces characters, first with a desperate cry of a baby or a whine. Then carried on with many adults discussing, I suppose a group meeting then an instrument is introduced with children singing then aided by adults. During this the sound of coins being traded is ducked in and out of the singing. The noise of farm noises still ducks in and out. The temp seems to pick up from beginning to end expressing some sort of climax.

After i watched it:

As I observed the trailer for the first time I did notice some similarities to my previous guesses prior to watching the trailer. The sound of wind was to set the place, Mongolia where a mother and child were staying quiet under shelter. Then the presence of camels that I previously through was cattle but close enough to some sort of agricultural animal. Instead of my guess (a matchstick) flint was used to light the natural stove where soup was being cooked instead of my guess, tea. One thing I didn’t notice from the beginning was the complexity of the quick cuts from different sounds of bones, chopping, hitting and the closing of the stove door. This extremely quick montage is utilized to expresses the amount of work that goes into cooking soup, that a lot of physical labour is involved in their lives. Then a few establishing shots were shown, I missed this detail as it is difficult as to when what shots were shown according to the soundtrack. But now I some what realizes that when slow paced sound is used usually it connect with establishing shots. Then the a montage of a baby camel was shown as it gets rejected then a jump cut to the baby relating the same sort of emotion. I did guess this correctly, as the baby was in need of its mother. Carrying on, I missed the sound of the horn but realized the gather of the community and the discussion. I originally thought that the instrument that was introduced was a non-diegetic sound but as the trailer highlights it comes from a member of the community expressed with a close up shot of the core of the instrument being played therefore a diegetic sound. I was right in guessing the singing of children as there are intermit shots of a family reunion under shelter and a little boy singing. Then establishing shots as the adult voices join. I guess the climax that I originally thought of was portrayed as the reunion of the family related to the reunion of the baby camel and its mother. This assignment has made me realize the importance of sound as well as the knowledge of stereotypical sounds that an audience can relate to. The wind howling, baby desperation cry, discussion noise, exaggerated pouring, kids singing and so forth.